Coke Games 2023 | Schools merch sold at stadium

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ACS students with the school t-shirts being sold by the CK’s Suva Bargain Centre at the HFC Stadium in Suva. Picture: ELENA VUCUKULA

CK’s Suva Bargain Centre is selling the 2023 Coca-Cola Games merchandise for some of the prominent schools participating at the HFC Bank Stadium in Suva.

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School, Suva Grammar School, St Josephs Secondary School, Adi Cakobau School, Jasper Williams High School, Ratu Kadavulevu School, Marist Brothers High School flags are being sold for $12,  sublimated t-shirts selling at $30, and cotton t-shirts at $25 each.

Chief executive director Jitesh Patel said sales made from the purchasing of the merchandise would be to going back to the schools.

“These schools we sponsor,” he said.

“Athletes of these schools taking part in the games, are part of our sponsorship packages.

“And we have everything sold here at the stadium for parents, students, old scholars.”

Mr Patel said a huge turn out is expected on the remaining two days of the games.

“I believe the 2023 Coca-Cola games will be competitive as the big schools are taking part and because of that our sales has been good.

“I wish athletes well, come and enjoy yourselves- compete but make good friends as well.”

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