‘Clean up the force’ | Narube calls on Chew to clean up Police Force

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Unity Fiji party leader Savenaca Narube and Acting Commissioner of Police, Juki Fong Chew. Image: FIJI TIMES ONLINE

A political party is calling on the Acting Commissioner of Police, Juki Fong Chew, to play his part in the fight against drugs by cleaning up the Fiji Police Force.

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube said the public needed to gain confidence in the Fiji Police Force. Mr Narube’s comment follows news of methamphetamine kept as evidence within the Fiji Police Force being tampered with.

“They are to decisively eradicate the complicity of the force in the enforcement of the law,” he said.

In response, the acting Deputy Commissioner of Police Sakeo Raikaci said ACP Chew had made his intention public of removing officers who were found to be breaking the law and those involved in the illicit trade.

“There is also due process to follow whethe

r it is disciplinary matter or external court processes,” he said. ACP Raikaci said any actions against unscrupulous officers must also be taken according to the law.

“I reiterate ACP Chew’s call for public support and in understanding that the actions of a few does not reflect the way the entire organisation operates,” he said.

He said the Fiji Police Force was committed to upholding the integrity of the policing profession and supported ACP Chew’s intention of weeding out corrupt officers as they had no place in the organisation.

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