Child abuse trend ‘worrying’

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Minister for Rural and Maritime Development, and Disaster Management Sakiasi Ditoka left, Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations Agni Deo Singh and Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation Lynda Tabuya on their into Parliament on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Picture: ATU RASEA 12/09/23.

To highlight trends of violence against children in Fiji, the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection is to launch its Violence Against Children in Fiji report.

Minister Lynda Tabuya, in a statement to Parliament on Wednesday, said the ministry commissioned USP and the Fiji National University to conduct joint research on violence against children with specific focus on children in the home setting.

“Child abuse in all its forms exists in Fiji and recent statistics show a worrying trend,” Ms Tabuya said.

“Each child depends on us to make decisions that will guarantee they are safe and their rights are protected to ensure they have a bright future to reach their full potential.”

Funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), the ministry also partnered with the UN Children’s Fund to acquire an understanding of the key issues and child abuse/child violence in the country to assist stakeholders design immediate prevention strategies.

The report is expected to be launched at the USP’s Japan Pacific ICT Centre on September 26.

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