Businessman guilty of raping his stepdaughter

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The man appeared before Suva High Court judge Justice Siainiu Fa’alogo Bull charged with eight counts of rape.

A businessman was found guilty of raping his stepdaughter for a period of six years.

The man appeared before Suva High Court judge Justice Siainiu Fa’alogo Bull charged with eight counts of rape.

He initially faced nine counts but both state and defence acknowledged that there was no case to answer because of lack of evidence for one count of the eight counts.

Court records show the complainant had come to Fiji from the UK with her mom and younger brother in 2008 and moved in with the accused in 2010.

The accused before the continuation of trial on Monday, took a progressive approach and pleaded guilty to the charges.

Today, he also agreed to the summary of facts read in court.

Justice Bull has revoked the man’s bail and remanded him in custody.

Appearing on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecutions are lawyers Shaheen Bibi and Unaisi Ratukalou while lawyer Gavin O’Driscoll appeared for the accused.

The sentencing hearing and mitigation are scheduled to commence tomorrow.

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