Bula Outsourcing sponsors WinTech event

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Outsource Fiji (OSF) executive support offi cer Milika Kabu, from left, OSF communications and marketing co-ordinator Shivika Supriya, Bula Outsourcing chief executive offi cer Josie Prasad, OSF executive director Sagufta Janif, OSF manager corporate Hetal Patel. As a major sponsor, Bula Outsourcing will be supporting the Rising Star in Tech Award 2023. Picture: SUPPLIED

Outsource Fiji has announced Bula Outsourcing as a major sponsor for the inaugural Women in Tech (WinTech) event scheduled to take place this week.

Outsource Fiji executive director Sagufta Janif said that the WinTech event “not only aimed to celebrate the achievements of the women in Fiji’s tech space, but also to empower the next generation of female leaders and bridge the persistent gender gap in the industry.”

“The outsourcing industry in Fiji employs over 68 per cent of female workers, most of whom are already in the tech space,” Ms Janif said.

“However, we continue to see gender disparities in the broader tech space, which is why we see it imperative to create platforms for women to upskill themselves, as well as be recognised for their contributions.”

Bula Outsourcing chief executive officer Josie Prasad said, “Sponsoring the Women in Tech event showcases our commitment to creating a more inclusive tech space in Fiji.”

“We believe in providing opportunities for women to showcase their skills, connect with industry leaders, and gain valuable insights.”

The Women in Tech awards night is scheduled to take place on Friday, December 1, at the Grand Pacific Hotel Suva.

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