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Fiji Volleyball Federation president Kemueli Naiqama, 3rd from left, receives a $5000 cheque from Hot Bread Kitchen director Mere Samisoni. Picture: SUPPLIED

FIJI Volleyball Federation (FVF) received a boost in preparation for their first tournament of the year after Hot Bread kitchen gave $5000 to the federation.

FVF president Kemueli Naiqama was present at the Hot Bread Kitchen headquarters in Lami yesterday to receive the cheque from Hot Bread Kitchen director Mere Samisoni.

This will be the first time for the Hot Bread Kitchen to sponsor Fiji Volleyball and the event is only the beginning of a new relationship between the two.

Samisoni said she believed that sports developed a person’s character and this was one of the reasons she decided for Hot Bread Kitchen to play a part in developing athletes around Fiji.

“We are happy to have come on board as sponsors of the Fiji Volleyball Federation and will continue to work with them in the near future,” she said.

Naiqama gave his sincere thanks and appreciation to Samisoni and the Hot Bread Kitchen staff.

“Just a big vinaka vakalevu to the Hot Bread Kitchen staff and Samisoni for the gracious donation,” he said.

“The donation would go towards preparations for the Hot Bread Vulaca Volleyball Championship. “The Hot Bread Vulaca Championship will only feature clubs here in the central area.

“We have Raiwai Volleyball Association, Suva Volleyball, Delainavesi and Raiwai East. The tournament will be held at the FMF Gymnasium in Suva on the 3rd and 4th of February and will also feature female teams.

“Each association will have to send two teams each to the competition, a male and female team. “So altogether we’re looking at 12 men’s teams and 12 women’s.

“Winners from both the male and female divisions will receive a prize money of $1000.” Naiqama said the competition also served as a platform for Fiji Volleyball Federation to select players to represent the national side for the Pacific Games which was formerly known as the South Pacific Games.

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