Biman: This is height of insanity

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National Federation Party leader, Professor Biman Prasad. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU/FT FILE

National Federation Party leader Professor Biman Prasad described as “shocking” and “an abuse of taxpayer funds” that Education Minister Premila Kumar was looking to hire an external strategic communications team for alleged electioneering.

“The tender documents clearly state that the scope of work and projected outcomes for both the Education Ministry and Minister Premila Kumar, which are clearly aimed at electioneering,” he said. “This is at the height of insanity.

“The first decision by the Education Minister and her ministry into the new financial year and new budget cycle that starts on 1st August is to recruit a firm through a tender process using public funds to boost both her and the ministry’s public image.

“Why does the minister and the ministry want to be on TikTok?

“This is a blatant abuse of public funds, the minister’s priority is to hire consultants to boost her image on social media, write her speeches, do parliamentary research and do public relations and media management”.

  •  Questions sent to Education Minister Mrs Kumar and Economy Ministry permanent secretary Shiri Gounder yesterday on Prof Prasad’s comments remain unanswered when this edition went to press last night.
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