Bainimarama told to prove allegations against coalition Government

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Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka speaks to the media outside Suvavou House this morning – Friday, January 06, 2023. Picture: ARIETA VAKASUKAWAQA

FijiFirst leader Voreqe Bainimarama has been told to prove the slew of allegations he made in recent days against the coalition Government or prepare to face the full brunt of the law.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka issued the warning yesterday after Mr Bainimarama accused the Government of engaging in repressive and oppressive conduct.

The PM also told Mr Bainimarama to stop deluding himself and accept defeat.

“Approximately 58 per cent of those who went to the polls wanted change,” Mr Rabuka said.

“The opposition parties in total registered 70,000 more votes than FijiFirst.”

In addition to the warning, Mr Rabuka said taxpayers’ money paid to Qorvis Communications and Vatis by the FijiFirst government to manage its public relations work would be investigated.

He said both contracts of the two public relation companies had been terminated and their role would be handled by the Department of Information.

“We’ve started an investigation into what appears to be excessive spending in the Department of Information through payments to the public affairs company Qorvis, the local communications company Vatis, the Fijian Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) and The Fiji Sun newspaper,” he said.

Mr Rabuka said terminating the contracts was one of the first decisions he made when he took up office.

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