Awareness ‘a call to action’

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Students of Draiba Primary School walk through the old parliament complex during the tsunami exercise in Suva, on Tues 17 Oct 2023. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

The Minister of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Sakiasi Ditoka, says the National Disaster Awareness week is not a collection of events but a call to action.

Officiating at the National Disaster Awareness Week at Albert Park yesterday, Mr Ditoka said the event served as a reminder of our collective duty to safeguard the country against the perils of nature and human-made disasters.

“Fiji as a nation of islands and diverse communities has long experienced the unpredictable forces of nature,” he said.

“Cyclones, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters.

“They left them up on our history. But we, as Fijians and as members of this region, have shown our strength, resilience and unity in the face of adversity time and again.”

Mr Ditoka said National Disaster Awareness Week was a cornerstone of their preparedness efforts.

“It is organised by the National Management Office each year to educate the public about crucial lifesaving information on how to prepare themselves, their families and communities for the cyclone season.

“This event serves as a platform for us to collaborate, share experiences and advocate for a unified approach as we enter the cyclone season.

“It’s an opportunity for all of us to work together and be better prepared for potential disasters.”

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