Australia remains committed to protection of Blue Pacific – Wong

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The Pacific Islands Foreign Affairs Minister during their meeting at the Pacific Island Forum head office in Suva.Picture:ATU RASEA 15/09/23.

Australia remains committed to the protection of the Blue Pacific and bases its stance on the Fukushima nuclear waste disposal on science.

The response from Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong came in an interview with The Fiji Times on Australia’s position on the matter.

She said Australia shared similar sentiments with Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and the Cook Islands Prime Minister and Pacific Islands Forum chair Mark Brown.

“I want to say that I also am very respectful for the history of the Pacific and I’ve visited members of the Pacific Islands Forum,” she said.

“I’ve spoken to people for whom the history of nuclear testing in the Pacific is as part of their family history and that is it is the weight of that. I understand why the people of this ocean have the reaction that many do to anything associated with the nuclear industry.

“What Australia has said is we want this assessed on the basis of science and really our position is very similar to that articulated by PM Rabuka and PM Brown, of course, which is this should be determined by science.”

She said Australia also appreciated that Japan has sought to be transparent and sought to engage, and they certainly have encouraged that, expect it to continue.

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