Amadea is here – Russian billionaire’s yacht in Fiji

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The superyacht Amadea docked at the Lautoka Wharf. Picture: ALVEEN KUMAR

A superyacht belonging to a Russian billionaire sanctioned by the USA, United Kingdom and Europe came into port at Lautoka yesterday.

Public sources say the Amadea is owned by Suleiman Kerimov, a Russian oligarch who is currently sanctioned over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Marine Traffic, a marine analytics service, started showing Amadea in Fiji waters from daytime yesterday and by 6pm it was headed to the Lautoka Wharf.

The Amadea left Manzanillo Port in Mexico on March 24.

The 106-metre yacht risks being seized by USA, UK or any European Union country after they placed sanctions on Mr Kerimov’s assets.

According to Fiji port requirements, any yacht arriving into Fiji must obtain approval from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade and Transport and the Immigration Department.

“We have heard about it (Amadea) but nothing has come to Immigration,” said permanent secretary to Immigration Yogesh Karan yesterday.

Questions sent to the Ministry of Health had not been answered when this edition went to press last night.

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