Address canefarmers’ problems, urges Singh

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Minister for Multi-Ethnic Affairs and Sugar Industry, Charan Jeath Singh having discussions with Minister for Fisheries and Forestry, Kalaveti Ravu during break between sessions at the Parliament complex in Suva on Monday, Sep 11, 2023. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Canefarmers problems must be addressed if the sugar industry is to be revitalised, says Sugar minister Charan Jeath Singh.

And to ensure this, he said a collaborative approach is being encouraged to ensure the advancement of the industry.

Speaking to the Lautoka Mill Area Committee, Mr Singh said members should ensure issues pertaining to the sugar industry were addressed in the best interests of all those involved.

“The Government is very much keen to see the sugar industry bounce back with the increase in cane production,” Mr Singh said.

“To achieve that, one of our key objectives is to bring farmers back to the farm and for that, their problems need to be heard and dealt with.”

Mr Singh said the Government was now actively putting their words into action, one of which was the re-establishment of industry committees and sub committees.

He said the role of these groups were aimed at bringing farmers, millers and the Sugar Industry Tribunal together to meet and address issues.

“This will allow synergies and reduce the timeframe and delay of addressing issues such as cane carting, cane harvesting, tram line track, labour and other issues faced by cane growers.”

The Lautoka Mill Area Committee consists of the Fiji Sugar Corporation CEO, Sugar Cane Growers Council and the Ministry of Sugar director.

Its objective is to assist in obtaining and addressing legitimate grievances within the area and to secure maximum production of cane and sugar.

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