No challenges: Fiji Navy Commander Commodore Humphrey

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Fiji Navy Commander Commodore Humphrey Tawake with former PM Voreqe Bainimarama at the naval base last week. Picture: RUSIATE VUNIREWA

Fiji Navy Commander Commodore Humphrey Tawake says they have no issues with resources.

In an interview, he said they have the manpower but lacked the capability to get out to sea.

“With the arrival of the new RFNS Puamau vessel from Australia, Commodore Humphrey said it has closed the gap of lack of capabilities they once faced.

The new vessel, he said would help his team conduct duties such as search and rescue.

“We are quite fortunate that through our partnership and relationship with Australia that Fiji is also a recipient of the broader nation,” he said.

“This is another milestone, another capability for us in order for us to build on our platforms for maritime security needs.”

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