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Food supplied at Navua being stocked. Picture: FT FILE

Nestle gave $10,000 worth of condensed milk and noodles to the Disaster Management Commitment headquarters in Suva, an article published by The Fiji Times on January 8, 1993, said.

Sales manager Edmund Yee presented the packages and said the company directors in Australia heard of the destruction wrought by Cyclone Kina and directed the Fiji branch to help with relief efforts.

Mr Yee said he hoped other leading business organisations would follow suit in assisting DISMAC in helping the cyclone victims.

DISMAC representatives Ram Singh thanked the company for their donation.

He highlighted that the donation was a healthy sign, that showed concern for the welfare of the nation, particularly those affected by Cyclone Kina.

“DISMAC is doing its best to get rehabilitated as soon as possible and to get the economy back to normality,” he said.

“The sooner this is achieved, the better.”

DISMAC officials around the country had indicated the previous day that the food rations would had been issued after the completion of surveys, which was still being conducted at that point.

Navua district officer Seremaia Tutiteci said his workers would distribute the food soon since their survey was almost completed.

Meanwhile, the Fiji Red Cross national disaster appeal drive launched earlier that week to help its cyclone relief assistance and rehabilitation program had raised $26,355.

The target of the national disaster appeal was $250,000.

The appeal was being run along the lines of the successful Somalia appeal that was held in late 1992.

Director general of Fiji Red Cross, Susan Douglas, said the distribution of clothing in the Central Division had started.

She said 747 families and 1452 individuals were given clothing in Navua. Ms Douglas said blankets, water containers and fruit juice were also distributed.

Cash donations received for the Red Cross Appeal from earlier that week were as follows;

  • n Association of Banks in Fiji – $7500;
  • n Shell Fiji Ltd – $10,000;
  • n Dhani Ram – $50;
  • n Tony Cooper- $100;
  • n Dick Phillips – $50;
  • n Cyril and Victoria Joseph and family – $50;
  • n Manueli family- $5;
  • n Rakesh Kapadia – $20;
  • n Humphreys – $100;
  • n Anonymous – $1000;
  • n Fiji Christian Bookshop – $200;
  • n Litia – $10;
  • n Ms L Mitchell- $50;
  • n Ms Heather McShane – $20;
  • n Anonymous – $50;
  • n Anonymous – $5000;
  • n M.Rainey – $100, and the Nadi Branch of Red Cross – $1000.
  • n Fiji Gas Ltd donated 50 heavy duty gas rings and cylinders.
  • n Rewa Co-operative Dairy Co Ltd donated 150 trays of orange juice.
  • n Hantex Appea Co Ltd donated 1000 articles of children’s clothing.

The Red Cross had also made available for immediate distribution family emergency packs.

Ms Douglas said more supplies and donations were needed for immediate distribution to victims and their relatives.

“We thank the people for the donations. Please continue to donate.”

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