USP holds first graduation ceremony for 2023

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USP graduands at the university’s first graduation ceremony for the year at the Vodafone Arena in Suva. Picture: SUPPLIED/USP

The University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Laucala Campus held its first graduation ceremony for this year at the Vodafone Arena in Suva today with 61 per cent of those graduating being women.

USP Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia noted this while delivering his address at the ceremony.

Prof Ahluwalia said the graduation ceremony would culminate over two days and in four sessions, with 1786 students graduating, and where 61 graduands would receive two awards and counted under their highest honour.

“We have 204 students graduating in Postgraduate programs, of which 104 will receive their master’s qualification in this session.

“That is an amazing figure. We have one out of the six students graduating with a Doctorate in Philosophy in this session who will receive a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Computing Science,” Prof Ahluwalia said.

He also highlighted that USP had and continued to be a bedrock for regionalism, a resource owned by the region, for the region and a precious institution that needed to be protected in line with the vision of our forbearers.

He said the staff and students were just as proud of the many alumni currently leaders in the international and private sectors and continued to make an immensely invaluable contribution to the development of those countries and the region.

“Our graduates have filled critical roles, and many have become leaders across all sectors in their respective countries. We are proud of our alumni who have become Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers of the cabinet, leaders of the public and private sector in our member countries.”



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