$2.79 short – NFP questions cane payment

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A sugarcane farm in Lautoka. Picture: File
A sugarcane farm in Lautoka. Picture: File

Will Government be able to pay the guaranteed $85 per tonne of cane for the 2020 crop?

That’s the question the National Federation Party (NFP) has raised as farmers receive $7.62 per tonne of cane for their final 2019 season payment today, bringing their 2019 share to $82.21 per tonne.

This amount is short by $2.79 of the guaranteed price of $85 per tonne promised to farmers by Government.

NFP leader Prof Biman Prasad says Government has betrayed the canefarmers of this country.

The Fiji Sugar Corporation says $2.79 has been deducted as industry costs as per the Master Award.

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