Musicians raise industry concerns

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L- R FPRA Chairman Saimoni Vuatalevu , FPRA Director Inoke Kalounisiga , Hank Arts Executive Consultant Fiji Times Pte Ltd, Maikeli Radu Communications Fiji Limited. Picture: VILIMAINA NAQELEVUKI

Protecting the iconic farewell song Isa Lei is one of the key focus areas of the Fiji Performing Rights Association (FPRA).

This was highlighted in a submission to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence in June this year.

Association director Eremasi Tamanisau said another concern was the rampant illegal downloading of music.

“We also included in the submission issues surrounding copyright enforcement and intellectual property rights,” he said.

Tamanisau said there were four main points FPRA was focused on.

He said the first concerned internet piracy and illegal music downloads and uploads.

“The second was the Traditional Knowledge and Expression of Culture Bill and third was piracy and its negative effects on the economy.

“The fourth is the total protection of the well-known farewell song, Isa Lei.”

Tamanisau said the widespread uploads, downloads and sharing of local music was depriving composers of their livelihoods.

He said the number of musical works that had been pirated included Viliame Cokanauto of Kula Kei Uluivuya (KKU), Tumoto of Nasio Domoni, Etonia Lote Sr, Etonia Lote Jr for Voqa ni Delai Dokidoki, Kerry Damudamu, Tu Peni Baba, Rescue Brothers, Viliame Ratuva of Via Ni Tebara and the late Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara who penned the well known tune “Ciri Koto”.

Mr Tamanisau said their submission called for a law to stop virtual and online piracy so composers could benefit from their creative works.

He said the only solution was a review of the Copyright Act of 1999.

He also said the Traditional Knowledge and Culture Bill had been with Cabinet since 2014 and FPRA hoped there would be some progress on its implementation.

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