Review highlights commission issue

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Government Whip Alvick Maharaj outside Parliament. Picture: RAMA

The need for more funding and resources and a backlog of unaudited financial statements at the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission (FHRADC) were some of the issues highlighted by the Standing Committee on Justice, Law and Human Rights in Parliament this week.

While delivering a review on the 2016 FHRADC Annual Report, Government Whip Alvick Maharaj said the committee noted key issues which were brought to the attention of the commission.

“It was noted that there is a backlog of unaudited financials for the commission, however, it is encouraging to note that the current commission has undertaken and is still undertaking an audit of all matters pertaining to the commission’s work,” he said.

“The commission has made a lot of strides in the work of protecting human rights, however, there is a need for sufficient resources and funding for more effective human rights services.”

Mr Maharaj suggested to the commission on the role of the media as a way forward.

“The committee recognises and notes the role of the media in awareness on human rights, thus believes that the media should act responsibly and hold themselves to a higher degree of professionalism and integrity when covering matters concerning human rights.”

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