Business ‘getting back up’

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Salata Pillay and her children, Jason, Rosie and Neelam sell sweets from their cart in Nadi. Picture: NAVNESH REDDY

ONE of Nadi Town’s most popular confectionary traders says business is slowly getting back to normal.

Salata Pillay said COVID-19 pandemic had severely impacted on her business — an Indian savoury cart — but things
were now looking up.

“Business has hit rock bottom, but things look like they are stabilising a bit for now,” the Naitasiri native said.

Mrs Pillay operates a sweets cart with her husband opposite the Nadi Bus Stand.

“When Government restricted people’s movement, our business came to a standstill.

“We understood there were many legal and health risks if we were found violating the measures that had been put in place, so we decided to close down our business and only returned after things began to get back to normal.’’

She said sales plummeted when news of Fiji’s fi rst COVID-19 case emerged on March 19.

“After the movement restrictions came in we only managed $100 a day.

“Before the virus, we used to earn around $280 to $300 daily.

“Today (yesterday), it’s already past midday and I have only managed to earn $10.”

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