Police Blue wins Nawaka 7s title

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Viliame Qadolo on attack for Police Blue against Raiwasa Taveuni during the Nawaka sevens cup semifinal. Picture: BALJEET SINGH

POLICE Blue walked away $10,000 richer after defeating Police White 31-19 in the cup final of the 33rd Fiji Bitter Nawaka 7s at Prince Charles Park in Nadi yesterday.

It was history in the making at the tournament as two Police teams featured in the final for the first time. Police Blue had the services of Filipe Suguturaga, Terio Tamani, Samisoni Viriviri and Kitione Taliga while Police White included Sekeo Railoa and Peceli Nacebe.

Police Blue led 17-12 at the break.

Police Blue captain Keponi Paul said the victory had set the platform for their Marist 7s defence next month.

He said the result was achieved through hard work both on and off the field.

“It is history in the making because I have never heard of two Police teams playing each other in the Nawaka 7s final,” Paul said.

“We will enjoy this victory and focus on the next task which is the Marist 7s.

“This is the result of all the hard work especially the bonding sessions for the past two weeks. “We are the defending champions of the Marist 7s so it will be back to hard work.

“We need to improve our discipline because we got a few cards in the quarter-final and the semi-final.

“This victory is dedicated to all my fellow workers who are at the stations today and the whole police family.”

In the semi-finals, Police Blue defeated Raiwasa Taveuni 19-0 while Police White downed Canterbury Fijians 19-5.

Final Results: (Spoon): Shangri La 12-5 Mosi; (Shield): Ratu Filise 7-5 Nawaka Black; (Bowl): Buinivai 12-14 Uluinakau; (Plate) Wardens 12-19 Indulgence Vavalagi; (Under-20): Naduruniu 7-12 Tuva; (Fellow Fijians): Suva Black 22-7 Nadi B (Women): Marvel Mystic 0-30 Nawaka White.

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