First Phd graduate from University of Fiji

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Amar Singh with his family after graduating with the Doctor of Philosophy in Management from the University of Fiji in Lautoka. Picture: REINAL CHAND

FOR Amar Singh, balancing a full-time job while pursuing his PhD had not been an easy task.

It has, however, become a goal achieved through hard work and the support of his family and workmates.

Yesterday, Mr Singh became the first University of Fiji student to graduate with a Doctor of Philosophy in Management.

As many as 259 students graduated from the university in fields such as medicine, science, arts and law.

According to Mr Singh, it was a demanding and challenging couple of years.

“I currently work for Fiji Airways and I have a full-time job there where I hold the position of manager network planning. At the same time, ever since I graduated with MBA in 2004, I’ve been teaching as part of the MBA program.

“On one side, I had to manage my full time job, the other was contributing to the MBA teaching and taking out my time to complete my PhD so it was very challenging and demanding.”

He credited his achievement to his family, his supervisors and the Fiji Airways management team, who he said created an environment for employees to explore their talents and upskill themselves.

University acting vice chancellor Professor Narendra Reddy commended the graduates and said the university continued to grow in terms of enrolments.

“This year we have 2670 students and the annual growth rate is lower than the planned 30 per cent, which we had achieved in the past. With the introduction of two new programs to be offered by the medical school, we expect higher growth in 2019.”

Out of the 259 graduates, 50 were MBBS students.

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