Senior FRCS staff fronts court on corruption charges; Court hears of alleged $4.1m loss caused

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Shameem Khan at the Suva Magistrate Court at an earlier date.Picture: JONA KONATACI/FILE

SHAMEEM Khan, 48, charged with two separate counts of abuse of office and general dishonesty causing loss was granted bail by the Suva Magistrates Court today.

He appeared before Magistrate Deepika Prakash.

Mr Khan understood the chargers when it was read to him.

The court heard that the accused, between January 1, 2016, to May 5, 2017, was in the public service as the chief ethical standard unit officer and the director intelligence, compliance and investigations, respectively, at the Fiji Revenue and Customs Services.

And during that period, the court heard that he did an arbitrary act for the purpose of gain in abuse of the authority of his office, namely prepared an investigation report with false contents and thereby preventing FRCS in obtaining revenue in the sum of $4,118,994.08, which is an act prejudicial to the rights of the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service.

The court heard that the accused also dishonestly caused a risk of loss to the Fiji Revenue and Customs in the sum $4,118,994.08 and he knew that the loss will occur or that there is a substantial risk of the loss occurring.

The case has been adjourned to November 22, 2018.

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