THE Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission independently investigated a total of 477 complaints on human rights violations between 2016 and 2018.
This, according to the commission’s 2016-2018 Annual Report.
The report stated that allegations of violence included right to life, right to personal liberty, rights of arrested and detained persons, freedom from cruel and degrading treatment, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure and others.
The commission also said the nature of rights it received showed that it did not privilege one set of rights over another, whether they were civil or political or social, economic and cultural rights.
“The complaints demonstrate the interrelated, independent and indivisibility of human rights,” the report stated.
“The commission has secured funding through the Commonwealth Equality Initiative to develop a case management system and human rights information ecosystem to engender a greater ethos of accountability, transparency, responsiveness and integrity in handling complaints as well as assist in the production of veritable data for the purpose of treaty body reporting and strategic human rights interventions.”