$41 million dished out so far under Back-to-School Support initiative

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$41 million has so far been paid out under the Back-to-School Support for the 2025 School year, said the Ministry of Finance.

The payments have gone to 203,492 students, as throughout the country. This includes 200,176 students paid in Batch 1 on 10th January and a second batch payment to 3,316 students on 20th January.

The Ministry of Finance said for all Year 12 students in 2024, the Ministry is awaiting their 2025 enrolment confirmation before the payout is made. This includes around 8,313 students.

The Ministry said about 900 applications had “issues with their applications” which the Ministry is rectifying.

“Apart from this, we have noted that some schools may not have submitted the applications on time, including late applications by parents. Parents and guardians are advised to check with the Head of Schools on the status of their applications,” said the Ministry of Finance.