2023 Great Council of Chiefs | Economic development GCC’s ‘primary role’

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Unity Fiji party leader, Savenaca Narube Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

The role of the Great Council of Chiefs should primarily be to lead the economic development of the indigenous people and deliver them out of poverty.

Unity Fiji party leader Savenaca Narube said this in response to a call by former permanent secretary and academic Jioji Kotobalavu that the GCC and not the military, should be conferred the constitutional responsibility to serve as guardian of the wellbeing of all people in Fiji.

Mr Kotobalavu said the 2013 Constitution could be amended to accommodate this.

“This is a very important matter and therefore requires wide consultation,” Mr Narube said.

“The committee tasked with reviewing the roles of the GCC is still undertaking consultations.

“We look forward to its findings.” He said the role of the GCC should be focused on the economic development of its people.

“At the same time, the GCC can be champions of reforms, especially to mould the mind-sets of the people to fit this modern commercial world and shatter intergenerational poverty.

“It will be unfair to assign a role to the GCC that it does not have the capacity to deliver.”

The GCC meeting will be officiated by the President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, on Wednesday.

As many as 2000 people are expected to be on the island for the three-day forum which is being held after a lapse of 16 years.

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