2023 FHRI convention: ‘Involve everyone in HR development’

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2023 FHRI convention: ‘Involve everyone in HR development’

PRIME Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has urged organisations like the Fiji Human Resources Institute to involve stakeholders in human development.

While opening the 2023 BSP Life FHRI Comvention in Nadi yesterday, he said this was to ensure that Fiji continued to create a developed and educated workforce.

He said this development of the country’s human resource could also contribute to Fiji’s ongoing relationship with Australia and New Zealand.

“We have benefited over the last few months on the generosity of Australia and New Zealand receiving our labour scheme personnel going across the Australia and New Zealand to work.

“They are looking for skilled and even semi-skilled people and most of them that went are semi-skilled.” He questioned Fiji’s ability to send qualified people overseas.

“Why are we sending away semi-skilled people and bringing in those we believe to be also semi-skilled or skilled when the whole institution of learning including yours have been there to develop our human resources so that we have the skills required for the development of a nation?

“So I ask that instead of having your annual conferences with an invited guest, that you speak and invite everyone involved in human resource development of a nation.”

FHRI president Kameli Batiweti said the annual meet was a great opportunity for practitioners to network with other professionals.

“It is at such events like these where we can come learn, discuss, network and sharpen our skills in human resources.”

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