2023-2024 National Budget | Plans for labour shortage

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Prof. Biman Prasad speaking at the budget consultation at Nadi Civic Centre. Picture: BALJEET SINGH

Government is determined to address Fiji’s labour shortage problem, says Minister of Finance Professor Biman Prasad.

While speaking at a National Budget public consultation in Nadi, he said strategies to address labour mobility had already been put in place.

“As a Government we have already put in place a decision for a government approved funding for Polytech to ensure that we are able to train competency-based labour immediately in a short period of time,” he said.

“Employers are looking for painters, tile layers, carpenters, even drivers are leaving the country because they find lucrative offers in Australia and New Zealand. So what we are putting in place is trying to ensure that we keep training.

“That is one side of the equation in trying to address the shortage of labour but there is a problem within the middle levels with accountants, doctors, financial experts, tourism employees like chefs and others.

“That is a different problem.”

He said Government was also addressing the issue by reviewing Immigration laws.

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