2022 General Election: SODELPA to form coalition with People’s Alliance-NFP

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SODELPA vice-president Anare Jale speaks to the media at the Southern Cross Hotel in Suva this evening – Friday, December 23, 2022 – to announce their coalition with The People’s Alliance Party-NFP. Picture: TIMOCI VULA

The SODELPA Management Board has chosen to form a coalition with The People’s Alliance Party and National Federation Party to form the new Fijian government for the next four years.

A secret ballot held at the meeting resulted in 13 votes for PA-NFP coalition and 12 for the FijiFirst Party.

Party vice-president Anare Jale said their next step now is to work on a coalition agreement.

He said that agreement would detail all the information and work that would be taking place today and during the holidays.

“Hopefully, something will be concluded and signed on Wednesday next week,” Mr Jale said at the press conference held at the Southern Cross Hotel in Suva this evening.

More details in The Fiji Times tomorrow.

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