17th Pacific Games | Netters short of target

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Action from the women’s netball final between Fiji and Tonga yesterday. Picture: MELI LADDPETER

The Fiji Pearls fell short of their target at the Pacific Games after going down to Tonga 56-52 in the netball final at the Pacific Games in Honiara yesterday.

The side fought hard throughout the four quarters but was unable to score an extra four points in the last two minutes of the game to secure the gold.

Pearls skipper Kelera Nawai said while the loss was a tough pill to swallow, she was happy with her side’s performance in the final.

“It’s a tough result to accept since our target coming to the games was to bring home a gold medal,” she said.

“However, I am happy with the way the girls fought through tooth and nail during the final.”

Nawai added that silly mistakes and missed opportunities cost the side the gold medal.

“I think we didn’t take advantage of all the opportunities that were given to us and that proved costly for the team.”

Meanwhile, Nawai said her experience at the Pacific Games had been amazing so far, with this tournament being her first.

“It was a great experience and I’ve loved every moment of it. I learned a lot of new things as well and blended well with other Team Fiji athletics.”

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