1600 sign petition to protect forest

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1600 sign petition to protect forest

MORE than a thousand people have signed a petition for the protection of mangrove forest along the Nasese foreshore in Suva.

As part of the this initiative, Save The Tiri clean up campaign was organised yesterday where close to 100 people assisted in clearing debris along the seawall in Suva.

Save The Tiri advocate Loma Mataika said the petition would be handed over to the Office of the Prime Minister in a week’s time. “People have signed a petition on paper and also online,” she said.

Ms Mataika said 1600 people have signed the petition.

The clean up yesterday consisted of three groups set up in three different places, in front of the Fiji Revenue Customs Services (FRCS), China Club and at the Takashi Suzuki Garden.

“We had people collecting rubbish and they take it down to the weighing station where we sort items that can be recycled.”

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