Chaudhry hits out at Rabuka

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Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Chaudhry at his residence in Suva. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

FORMER prime minister Mahendra Chaudhry has lambasted Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka for his “irresponsible” additions to a “bloated” Government.

This comes in the wake of the appointments of six new ministers and assistant ministers.

Mr Chaudhry said such a move was not justified considering the current critical state of the economy and public finances.

“The move could cost the taxpayers an additional $4million annually,” the Fiji Labour Party (FLP) leader said.

“It seems the Prime Minister’s primary consideration here was to secure his own delicate position by bolstering his support, and secondly, lighten his own workload at the expense of the taxpayer.”

Mr Chaudhry said the people were unhappy and disappointed with the performance of Mr Rabuka and members of his Government.

“I do not believe that superficial changes of this nature will provide any relief to the people from the chronic problems of high cost of living, unemployment, poverty, rising crime rates, corruption and crumbling infrastructure.

“The PM is merely treating the symptoms without addressing the causes of his government’s failures.”