Manufacturer renews support for TOPEX

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FCEF chief executive offi cer Kameli Batiweti, left, and PBFL general manager Mike Spencer. Picture: SUPPLIED

With its renewed support for the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation (FCEF) annual TOPEX this year, Paradise Beverages looks forward to engaging with other leaders and share ideas that will benefit businesses and the economy.

Paradise Beverages general manager Mike Spencer said they were proud to support FCEF on the national stage and were excited for the discussions this year to assist the economy and the people.

In a media release issued yesterday, Mr Spencer said they had a mission to be recognised as the premier place to work, create world-class beverages and make a positive contribution to the business and in the markets where it operated.

FCEF chief executive Kameli Batiweti said, “Paradise Beverages has been supporting TOPEX for the past number of years by way of sponsorship.

“For FCEF, organising a conference like TOPEX is a very expensive affair and the sponsorship provided by Paradise Beverages over the years has assisted “FCEF in a tremendous way. Without these sort of sponsorships, FCEF would find it very difficult to provide a meaningful experience for the conference delegates.”

TOPEX 2022 starts today and will end on Saturday at the Shangri-la Yanuca Island, Sigatoka.

The conference theme this year is “Strategies, Synergies, Solutions for Sustainable Recovery: 2030 #Topex Speaks.”

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