Dr Baledrokdroka: Decision to be made by Government

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Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) Review Committee chairman Dr Jone Baledrokadroka during a public consultation. Picture: SUPPLIED

The decision on whether other races or social groups should be represented in the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) will be made by the Coalition Government.

GCC Review Committee chairman Dr Jone Baledrokadroka said the view was expressed at consultations in the nine provinces they had covered so far.

“That has come out strongly,” he said.

“There is the traditionalist viewpoint – who want it exclusively for our chiefs, and there’s also the modernist liberal viewpoint – that it should be open to others and women.

“And you know you cannot discount the female input into every section of society.

“Gender equality is a huge thing as far as what our society is trying to achieve – equality across the board, every job, every position of power.

“So there is a feeling coming through that we need to revamp the GCC to make it more inclusive.

“These are the views that are being heard.

“We hear the views that are coming across, we note it and we will actually come up with recommendations as to the way forward.

“It’s actually up to our political masters to make the decisions.”

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