$33m scam investigation

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AN alleged $33 million scam for plant hire by the Water Authority of Fiji has been referred to the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC).

This was revealed in Parliament by Infrastructure and Transport Minister Parveen Kumar after the issue was raised by Opposition spokesperson on economy Aseri Radrodro in Parliament on Monday.

In his response to the 2018/2019 budget, Mr Radrodro said the Opposition recognised there were some infrastructure development taking place, but he said the Fijian people also knew of the recent scams uncovered by KPMG.

The authority was alleged to have hired a digger at a cost of $33m for a period of 15 months alone.

Mr Kumar told Parliament that the alleged WAF saga was being investigated by FICAC.

“The issue raised by Honourable Aseri during his presentation regarding the water authority $33m saga, KPMG audit report has been handed over to FICAC for investigations,” Mr Kumar said.

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